Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
Director: Neil Jordan IMDB rating 7.20 / 10 Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: american in paris, anger, based on novel, blockbuster, blood, child killing child, child murderess, child vampire, children, coffin, dark hero, dead child, death, destiny, erotica, evil, fire, france, gore, goth, gothic, guilt, homoerotic, homoeroticism, homosexual, homosexual subtext, human relationship, immortality, interview, love, mind reading, mourning, murder, narration, neck breaking scene, nude woman murdered, nudity, paris france, plantation, poker game, prostitute, revenge, san francisco california, scythe, sex murder, sexuality, slavery, sliced in two, sorrow, spiral staircase, theater, vampire, vampire bite, vampirism |
Taglines: Drink From Me And Live Forever nIterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesItnerview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInetrview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesIntreview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesIntevriew with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterivew with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterveiw with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterviwe with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesIntervie wwith the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesIntervieww ith the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview iwth the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview wtih the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview wiht the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview wit hthe Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview witht he Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview with hte Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview with teh Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview with th eVampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview with theV ampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview 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Vampire: The Vampire ChroniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire CChroniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChhroniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChrroniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChrooniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChronniclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChroniiclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChronicclesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChronicllesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire ChronicleesInterview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicless Plot: In 1791, plantation owner Louis De Pointe Du Lac is unhappy with the life he has, until Lestat De Lioncourt comes into his life. Lestat, a vampire, allows Louis to make the decision of either death or life as a vampire forever. And until his decision is already made, does Louis realize what he has become. He refuses to take human life and is about to leave when Lestat, being the clever being that he is, turns a little orphan girl into a vampire to make Louis stay. The story is told by Louis in 1991 to an interviewer about the lives of himself, Lestat and Claudia through trouble, death, curse and love over the past 200 years. |
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