The Game of Their Lives (2005)
Director: David Anspaugh IMDB rating 6.10 / 10 The Game of Their Lives - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: 1950s, airplane, amateur, banquet, bar, based on true story, brazil, bus, catholic, catholic church, cemetery, cigar, claustrophobia, coach, cook, dancing, diner, drugged drink, english, ethnic slur, friendship, funeral, funeral home, general, hotel, independent film, kids and family, locker room, mailman, mother son relationship, new york city, railway station, rainstorm, reporter, rio de janeiro brazil, rooftop, soccer, st. louis missouri, told in flashback, uniform, us air force, washington d.c., wedding reception, world cup, wwii veteran |
Taglines: America's finest moment in the world's greatest game.The match against the British in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on June 19, 1950 was "the game of their lives". hTe Game of Their LivesTeh Game of Their LivesTh eGame of Their LivesTheG ame of Their LivesThe aGme of Their LivesThe Gmae of Their LivesThe Gaem of Their LivesThe Gam eof Their LivesThe Gameo f Their LivesThe Game fo Their LivesThe Game o fTheir LivesThe Game ofT heir LivesThe Game of hTeir LivesThe Game of Tehir LivesThe Game of Thier LivesThe Game of Theri LivesThe Game of Thei rLivesThe Game of TheirL ivesThe Game of Their iLvesThe Game of Their LviesThe Game of Their LievsThe Game of Their LivseThe Game of Their Livsehe Game of Their LivesTe Game of Their LivesTh Game of Their LivesTheGame of Their LivesThe ame of Their LivesThe Gme of Their LivesThe Gae of Their LivesThe Gam of Their LivesThe Gameof Their LivesThe Game f Their LivesThe Game o Their LivesThe Game ofTheir LivesThe Game of heir LivesThe Game of Teir LivesThe Game of Thir LivesThe Game of Ther LivesThe Game of Thei LivesThe Game of TheirLivesThe Game of Their ivesThe Game of Their LvesThe Game of Their LiesThe Game of Their LivsThe Game of Their LiveTThe Game of Their LivesThhe Game of Their LivesThee Game of Their LivesThe Game of Their LivesThe GGame of Their LivesThe Gaame of Their LivesThe Gamme of Their LivesThe Gamee of Their LivesThe Game of Their LivesThe Game oof Their LivesThe Game off Their LivesThe Game of Their LivesThe Game of TTheir LivesThe Game of Thheir LivesThe Game of Theeir LivesThe Game of Theiir LivesThe Game of Theirr LivesThe Game of Their LivesThe Game of Their LLivesThe Game of Their LiivesThe Game of Their LivvesThe Game of Their LiveesThe Game of Their Livess Plot: In 1950, few soccer players in the United States played the game with any particular degree of expertise. Most Americans had heard about the soccer only by hearsay, even though it was the world's most popular sport, and when the United States was invited to compete in the World Cup in Brazil, the country turned out to have no soccer team to call their own. The U.S. set out to recruit players in the soccer breeding ground of St. Louis, Missouri, where they found a group of young friends with almost absolute lack of an appropriate experience, only an unabashed love of the game. |
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