Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002)
Director: George Lucas IMDB rating 7.00 / 10 Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: arena, army, assassin, assassination attempt, asteroid, blockbuster, bodyguard, bounty hunter, boy, cave, child flying spacecraft, child holding severed head, childhood sweetheart, chosen one, clone, conspiracy, death ray, decapitation, desert planet, droid, eaten alive, emotionally vulnerable, evil, father figure, female pilot, forbidden love, foreshadow, futuristic, giant monster, good becoming evil, good versus evil, hate, honor, imax version, infatuation, investigation, jedi knight, kidnapping, levitation, lightsaber, love, martial arts, mass murder, massacre, mother son relationship, nightmare, one armed man, origin of hero, parental death, part computer animation, political manipulation, prequel, prequel to cult film, prophecy, responsibility, returning character killed off, revenge, robot, samurai, seduction, senate, senator, sequel, severed arm, space battle, space opera, spacecraft, spirituality, star wars, surprise attack, sword fight, teacher student relationship, teen, teenage love, teenage rebellion, teenage romance, telekinesis, tragedy, war, warrior, wedding, wedding ceremony |
Taglines: A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger. Nor Hatred. Nor Love.Size matters not. Except on an IMAX Screen. (IMAX release tagline)The Attack Begins May 16thThe Clones Are ComingThe Saga Continues May 16thThe Saga Continues. tSar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesSatr Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStra Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesSta rWars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStarW ars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar aWrs: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wras: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wasr: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar War:s Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars :Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars:E pisode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: pEisode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Eipsode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Epsiode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Epiosde II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episdoe II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episoed II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episod eII - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: EpisodeI I - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode I I- Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II- Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II -Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II -A ttack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - 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Attackk of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack oof the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack off the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of tthe ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of thhe ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of thee ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the CClonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the CllonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the CloonesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonnesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the CloneesStar Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Cloness Plot: As now-Senator Padm� Amidala returns to Coruscant to vote on an important Senatorial matter, an assassination attempt on her life prompts the Jedi Council to send Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to protect her and find out who the assassin is. As this is happening, a rogue Jedi named Count Dooku leads separatists on Geonosis to rebel against the Senate. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine moves for a vote for a Republic Army to protect the Republic, as there has not been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic. As Obi-Wan's investigations lead him to Kamino, he finds a massive clone army being produced, with a bounty hunter - the last of the Mandalorians - named Jango Fett as the master clone. As he chases the elusive bounty hunter, Jango (and his cloned son Boba) leads Obi Wan to Geonosis, where he meets Count Dooku and finds a startling revelation about the former Jedi. As Anakin is left behind to protect Padm�, his feelings for her grow into something more than friendship. From Naboo to Tatooine, it grows into love for her. But when a tragedy strikes Anakin's life, he begins slipping away from the Light Side of the Force, and perhaps from the Force itself. |
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