3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
Director: Demian Lichtenstein IMDB rating 5.40 / 10 3000 Miles to Graceland - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: animal killing, armed robbery, bad to the bone, betrayal, blood, blood splatter, body in trunk, bow and arrow, brat, bullet proof vest, casino, child in peril, corpse, death, elvis, elvis impersonator, elvis presley, exploding car, exploding gas station, faked death, fall from height, grand theft auto, gun, happy birthday to you, helicopter, hit by car, kleptomania, las vegas nevada, mass murder, murder, nevada, number in title, police officer killed, robbery, rough sex, scorpion, shootout, shot in the arm, shot in the back, shot in the chest, shot in the face, shot in the forehead, shot in the leg, shot to death, single mother, title spoken by character, twist in the end, vomit |
Taglines: Crime Is King. 0300 Miles to Graceland3000 Miles to Graceland3000 Miles to Graceland300 0Miles to Graceland3000M iles to Graceland3000 iMles to Graceland3000 Mlies to Graceland3000 Miels to Graceland3000 Milse to Graceland3000 Mile sto Graceland3000 Milest o Graceland3000 Miles ot Graceland3000 Miles t oGraceland3000 Miles toG raceland3000 Miles to rGaceland3000 Miles to Garceland3000 Miles to Grcaeland3000 Miles to Graecland3000 Miles to Gracleand3000 Miles to Gracealnd3000 Miles to Gracelnad3000 Miles to Graceladn3000 Miles to Graceladn000 Miles to Graceland300 Miles to Graceland300 Miles to Graceland300 Miles to Graceland3000Miles to Graceland3000 iles to Graceland3000 Mles to Graceland3000 Mies to Graceland3000 Mils to Graceland3000 Mile to Graceland3000 Milesto Graceland3000 Miles o Graceland3000 Miles t Graceland3000 Miles toGraceland3000 Miles to raceland3000 Miles to Gaceland3000 Miles to Grceland3000 Miles to Graeland3000 Miles to Gracland3000 Miles to Graceand3000 Miles to Gracelnd3000 Miles to Gracelad3000 Miles to Gracelan33000 Miles to Graceland30000 Miles to Graceland30000 Miles to Graceland30000 Miles to Graceland3000 Miles to Graceland3000 MMiles to Graceland3000 Miiles to Graceland3000 Milles to Graceland3000 Milees to Graceland3000 Miless to Graceland3000 Miles to Graceland3000 Miles tto Graceland3000 Miles too Graceland3000 Miles to Graceland3000 Miles to GGraceland3000 Miles to Grraceland3000 Miles to Graaceland3000 Miles to Gracceland3000 Miles to Graceeland3000 Miles to Gracelland3000 Miles to Gracelaand3000 Miles to Gracelannd3000 Miles to Gracelandd Plot: It was an ingenious enough plan: rob the Riviera Casino's count room during an Elvis impersonator convention. But Thomas Murphy decided to keep all the money for himself and shot all his partners, including recently-freed ex-con Michael Zane. With $3.2 million at stake, the Marshals Service closing in, and single mom Cybil Waingrow and her son Jesse constantly confounding things, Michael must track down Murphy. |
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