Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Director: Tim Burton IMDB rating 7.40 / 10 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: actor playing multiple roles, animal attack, animatronic, atlanta georgia, barge, based on novel, birthday, blockbuster, breaking the fourth wall, bubble gum, business card, candy, candy store, child, chocolate, chocolate factory, contest, corporate espionage, dance, dental braces, dentist, denver colorado, disfigurement, eccentric, elevator, england, factory, father daughter relationship, father son estrangement, father son relationship, father son reunion, fireplace, flashback sequence, germany, giant insect, gift, gluttony, grandfather, grandmother, halloween, incinerator, india, invalid, invention, jungle, kids and family, machete, marriage, midget, miniaturization, mother daughter relationship, mother son relationship, narration, native tribe, new york city, overweight child, palace, poetic justice, poverty, psychotherapy, recluse, reporter, river, runaway child, shoeshine stand, spoiled brat, squirrel, subterranean, teleportation, ticket, tokyo japan, toothpaste, tour guide, trick or treat, tunnel, unemployment, urban, video game, walnut, waterfall |
Taglines: Augustus Is what he eatsCharlie Is lucky to be thereMike Thinks candy is a waste of timeOompaLoompas are crazy for CocoBeansThe Factory Opens July 2005.Veruca Is a very bad nutViolet Keeps her eyes on the prizeWilly Wonka Is semisweet and nuts hCarlie and the Chocolate FactoryCahrlie and the Chocolate FactoryChralie and the Chocolate FactoryChalrie and the Chocolate FactoryCharile and the Chocolate FactoryCharlei and the Chocolate FactoryCharli eand the Chocolate FactoryCharliea nd the Chocolate FactoryCharlie nad the Chocolate FactoryCharlie adn the Chocolate FactoryCharlie an dthe Chocolate FactoryCharlie andt he Chocolate FactoryCharlie and hte Chocolate FactoryCharlie and teh Chocolate FactoryCharlie and th eChocolate FactoryCharlie and theC hocolate FactoryCharlie and the hCocolate FactoryCharlie and the Cohcolate FactoryCharlie and the Chcoolate FactoryCharlie and the Chooclate FactoryCharlie and the Chocloate FactoryCharlie and the Chocoalte FactoryCharlie and the Chocoltae FactoryCharlie and the Chocolaet FactoryCharlie and the Chocolat eFactoryCharlie and the ChocolateF actoryCharlie and the Chocolate aFctoryCharlie and the Chocolate FcatoryCharlie and the Chocolate FatcoryCharlie and the Chocolate FacotryCharlie and the Chocolate FactroyCharlie and the Chocolate FactoyrCharlie and the Chocolate Factoyrharlie and the Chocolate FactoryCarlie and the Chocolate FactoryChrlie and the Chocolate FactoryChalie and the Chocolate FactoryCharie and the Chocolate FactoryCharle and the Chocolate FactoryCharli and the Chocolate FactoryCharlieand the Chocolate FactoryCharlie nd the Chocolate FactoryCharlie ad the Chocolate FactoryCharlie an the Chocolate FactoryCharlie andthe Chocolate FactoryCharlie and he Chocolate FactoryCharlie and te Chocolate FactoryCharlie and th Chocolate FactoryCharlie and theChocolate FactoryCharlie and the hocolate FactoryCharlie and the Cocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chcolate FactoryCharlie and the Choolate FactoryCharlie and the Choclate FactoryCharlie and the Chocoate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolte FactoryCharlie and the Chocolae FactoryCharlie and the Chocolat FactoryCharlie and the ChocolateFactoryCharlie and the Chocolate actoryCharlie and the Chocolate FctoryCharlie and the Chocolate FatoryCharlie and the Chocolate FacoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactryCharlie and the Chocolate FactoyCharlie and the Chocolate FactorCCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryChharlie and the Chocolate FactoryChaarlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharrlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharllie and the Chocolate FactoryCharliie and the Chocolate FactoryCharliee and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie aand the Chocolate FactoryCharlie annd the Chocolate FactoryCharlie andd the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and tthe Chocolate FactoryCharlie and thhe Chocolate FactoryCharlie and thee Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the CChocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chhocolate FactoryCharlie and the Choocolate FactoryCharlie and the Choccolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocoolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocollate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolaate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolatte FactoryCharlie and the Chocolatee FactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FFactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FaactoryCharlie and the Chocolate FacctoryCharlie and the Chocolate FacttoryCharlie and the Chocolate FactooryCharlie and the Chocolate FactorryCharlie and the Chocolate Factoryy Plot: Charlie Bucket comes from a poor family, and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can't afford. Things change when Willy Wonka, head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire, announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka's chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket, along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch... |
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