Dick Tracy (1990)
Director: Warren Beatty IMDB rating 5.70 / 10 Dick Tracy - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: action hero, alternate reality, bank, based on comic, based on comic strip, blockbuster, chaos, child, cop, crime boss, crime lord, criminal, criminal mastermind, death, destiny, detective, dick tracy, directed by star, factory, femme fatale, gambling, gangster, gangster boss, good versus evil, grotesque, gun, love, neo noir, nightclub, orphan, pianist, piano, police, police detective, police detective hero, singer, superhero, thompson gun, title spoken by character, tommy gun, twist in the end, walking on ledge |
Taglines: I'm on my way. iDck TracyDcik TracyDikc TracyDic kTracyDickT racyDick rTacyDick TarcyDick TrcayDick TraycDick Traycick TracyDck TracyDik TracyDic TracyDickTracyDick racyDick TacyDick TrcyDick TrayDick TracDDick TracyDiick TracyDicck TracyDickk TracyDick TracyDick TTracyDick TrracyDick TraacyDick TraccyDick Tracyy Plot: All Tess Trueheart wants is to settle down to a quiet life with her boyfriend, detective Dick Tracy. But there's something pretty rotten going on in town, with someone pretty rotten behind it, and Tracy has his hands full with the likes of villain Big Boy Caprice and with the almost irresistable Breathless Mahoney. |
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