Seed of Chucky (2004)
Director: Don Mancini IMDB rating 5.10 / 10 Seed of Chucky - Download DivX-version (.avi file, 700mb) Related tags: acid, actress, animate doll, artificial insemination, audition, axe murder, birthday party, black comedy, camp, candy bar, car accident, cemetery, character name in title, chauffeur, darkroom, decapitation, director, disembowelment, dismemberment, dream sequence, england, escape, face slap, father son relationship, female nudity, fifth part, film making, fired, first person camera, gore, hermaphrodite, hollywood sign, hospital, incantation, interracial romance, killer doll, limousine, los angeles california, loss of mother, martial arts, masturbation scene, mother son relationship, multiple birth, murder, obscene finger gesture, occult, paparazzi, patricide, person on fire, police, possession, pregnancy, rat, santa claus suit, scream, sequel, severed arm, shower, shower scene, slasher, stabbing, topless, turkey baster, twelve step program, twins, twist in the end, ventriloquist, vomit scene, vulgarity, wetting pants |
Taglines: Deliver us some evil.Fear the second coming.Get a load of Chucky.This November, get a load of Chucky. eSed of ChuckySeed of ChuckySede of ChuckySee dof ChuckySeedo f ChuckySeed fo ChuckySeed o fChuckySeed ofC huckySeed of hCuckySeed of CuhckySeed of ChcukySeed of ChukcySeed of ChucykSeed of Chucykeed of ChuckySed of ChuckySed of ChuckySee of ChuckySeedof ChuckySeed f ChuckySeed o ChuckySeed ofChuckySeed of huckySeed of CuckySeed of ChckySeed of ChukySeed of ChucySeed of ChuckSSeed of ChuckySeeed of ChuckySeeed of ChuckySeedd of ChuckySeed of ChuckySeed oof ChuckySeed off ChuckySeed of ChuckySeed of CChuckySeed of ChhuckySeed of ChuuckySeed of ChucckySeed of ChuckkySeed of Chuckyy Plot: The killer doll is back! The all-new film is the fifth in the popular series of Chucky ("Child's Play") horror comedies. Making his directorial debut is the franchise creator and writer of all five films, Don Mancini. The film introduces Glen (voiced by "The Lord of the Rings" star Billy Boyd), the orphan doll offspring of the irrepressible devilish-doll-come-to-life Chucky (again voiced by series star Brad Dourif) and his equally twisted bride Tiffany (again voiced by Jennifer Tilly). When production starts on a movie detailing the urban legend of his parents' lethal exploits, Glen heads for Hollywood where he brings his bloodthirsty parents back from the dead. The family dynamics are far from perfect as Chucky and Tiffany go Hollywood and get rolling on a new spree of murderous mayhem; much to gentle Glen's horror. Chucky can't believe that his child doesn't want to walk in his murdering footsteps, and star-struck Tiffany can't believe that the movie will star her favorite actress, Jennifer Tilly (playing herself), who soon becomes an unwitting hostess to this new family in more ways than one... |
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